Friday, December 19, 2008

The Story Family

Here is a link to our other blog pertaining to our whole family:

The Story Family

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Todays pictures

Here is a couple of pictures and a couple of videos of Gabby. She is anticipating to go see her sister Morgan's first Christmas school concert tomorrow.

Gabby holding her own bottle in fear someone will take it from her.

Gabby and Walter checking each other out.

A smile for the camera.

"Watz up?"

Getting snowman Eating momma's hand

Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 13th

Gabby is now 1 month and 2 days old. She's doing well, except for the odd belly aches. Today Gabby got to meet her cousin Ian and along with a whole lot of other family members that didn't get a chance to see her yet. It was a rather enjoyable day and she would like to thank Grandpa Tony and Grandma Shirley for having all of us over for a real nice visit. Here's some pictures of the day.....

Grandma and Grandpa with all the grandkids.

Grandma and Grandpa with Gabby

Gabby gabbing with Ian.

Gabby snoozing on Aunt Sophie's shoulder.

To view all the pictures I took that day click here:


If anyone else present took photos please pass them along...thanks.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Morgan And Jacob Play With Gabrielle

Just before bedtime Morgan and Jacob got to enjoy a little playtime with their baby sister.

Gabrielle checking out a snow globe.

Playtime with siblings

Morgan and Jacob playing with Gabrielle.

Last night Miss Pita slept a whole 6hrs! A breakthrough! She's still doing well, eating like a lil piggy and seems to be very alert and aware of what's going on. She gets mad if you put her down by herself.

Here's some pictures...

Lil Miss getting upset. She's not being held by Momma.

Hanging out by the fireplace....

Gonna Get That Snowman

Miss Gabby playing get the snowman.